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About us

Film Slate Marker

ISA membership includes professional and part-time scriptwriters from across Iowa. Some are accomplished playwrights and screenwriters and others are aspiring writers.

ISA-member playwrights have had their plays performed on stages across the country. Screenwriter members have garnered awards and some have had their scripts produced and screened.

Our special events have included performances of or member written plays and venues across Iowa, our annual Short Film Showcase, and assistance in filming of member-written screenplays.


Monthly ISA programs and workshops for members build and enhance writing skills. Industry professionals bring insight to marketing, refining, protecting and enhancing scripts.

Organized readings of members' scripts provide evaluation and commentary from other members.

Script development, from initial ideas to polished final drafts, is supported through continuous review and encouragement from fellow members.

EVERYONE has a story to tell. The Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance seeks uncensored voices from ALL writers. We make space for the perspective of all races, ages, sexual orientations, identities, colors, and abilities. Screen and stage performances that impact audiences begin as a script. We desire the continued privilege to listen to your stories, foster your craft at telling them, and accept viewpoints among a diversity of peers.

The goal of this website is to provide a source for up-to-date information on meetings, events, resources and member accomplishments.

Most importantly, the Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance has provided Iowa scriptwriters with access to and support from other scriptwriters. All are in the ISA to teach, learn and perfect the art and craft of scriptwriting.


President: Gary DeSomber

Treasurer: Dave Stuck

Membership: Adam Beilgard

Board Member: Wes Worthing

Board Member: Alexander Dingeman

© 2020 by Iowa Scriptwriters Alliance

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